Carry On

Keep sharing your thoughts

and dreaming your dreams

connection is sought

sometimes at extremes


you never know who you might reach

we all have things we need to teach

a lesson learned may help someone

and writing is just so much fun


So share your poems far and wide

Emotions do not need to hide

The more you let them out to play

the more you'll find you have to say


Poetry is an art

Speak the truth from your heart

Carry on my poetry friend

keep on writing up til the end

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Day 30 - #WPOM #Poetry Prompt for #NationalPoetryMonth #NaPoMo #pamschwetz  4/30/16

write a poem of encouragement to poet's worldwide

Diannasimms's picture

nice poem

great poem ur very outgoing and keep up the good work 

I love making poems