I was thinking just now
back to a long misplaced ye
where did you go
you loved me once
but fluttered away
you bound yourself
in buttered words
and melted into some
unfamiliar flame
I read you not and
see you less
submerse myself no more
in your words of stunning
I let you go
as I thought it best
but here I sit today
your particular talent
to talk
and I find I miss the illusion
that I was once yours
even though we both
know I really never was
and 'So Like A River Dead'
we flow no more into each other..............
(May 12, 2014 901am)
Very Good
And oh so true. Men have such a way with words and ladies have such a way of believing them! But what else is there to do but trust in love and hope for the best? Love is such a fleeting and fickle thing.
and if we blink our eyes we may miss it..............so true.