
he told me he was my slave
if I were to tell him to sit
he would lay down
if I told him it was dark
in daylight
he would believe it to be dark
simply because I said it was so
after a multitude of heart stopping
he revealed I was a touch stone
for him
a blue print in fact for how a real
worthwhile woman should be
in the eyes of his heart
an angel in the body of a beautiful
highly intelligent woman
he carefully labeled me as
a packaged woman indeed
even in his imaginations he admitted
he praises me
many he confessed listen intently
when he speaks but with me
he becomes the honored disciple
and warned me in a roguish voice
so full of temptation and tease
that I was his hottest pursuit in life
and that I'd created a monster in him
and that daily it was growing to be a
Frankenstein and one day very, very soon
such monster in him would catch up to me
and I would have to pay a hefty price
by forfeiting my entire alluring self to him
his unadorned truth is my merriment's wonder
I introduced him to an old Billy Ocean song
'What is the color of love' and he admitted freely
his color for me was red like the reddest most
passionately romantic rose
and that in his garden my bloom would never die
he may not be my Keats or W.B.Yeats but
he is for me the embodiment of masculine loveliness
it is through his demeanor towards my well being,
security and happiness that I can see alas
the world God always intended for me....................
(August 12,2013 1205am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For him whom loves me best and him whom I love best..............

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nightlight1220's picture

Beautifully written. Sounds

Beautifully written. Sounds like a great couple! :-) I know for a fact, words always seem so inadequate when it comes to this! 


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


palewingedpoetess's picture

Funny thing is nightlight............

the bulk of this poem is his actual words to me. I just constructed them to create a poem to let the world know how beautiful he is. Sincerely, M.