
what safely can I reveal
in concern to
my interaction with you
it's like the ultimate soufle'
of delicious orgasms in words
you are a pettable flurry of
man, beast and sage
you tuck tenderness
and sensitive observations behind
ammo and knives reserved
for possible future battles
to be endured
and fight selflessly
to defend
even the most ignoble
of underdogs
you are the alpha male
with a Keats complex
a battle weary testament
to the true human spirit
layered as you are like
a good Vidalia onion
you know quality
when you happen upon it
you flavor even as you savor
'The Humble Life'
you hold up Hamlet's mirror
and see not a tortured prince
but a misunderstood flawed human being
wading through an awful inhumane mess
you support even what you cannot yet
because that is what a fair minded
individual does
I am honored to have met you
and have the privilege to be allowed
the time to sift through your code
you generously send my way
and beckon me to further explore
the halls of your hampered greatness
so please note from the confines of this
I humbly accept the gauntlet
you have thrown down
with my careful hand
I shall attempt to retrieve it
from your feet
and polish it with honesty
respect and reverence.............
(Aug 9, 2013 622pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

For a man who needs no frilly introduction.

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a.griffiths57's picture

Ode to the humble life


I am overcome by your verse, and clever use of word and creativity. Love your poem.




nightlight1220's picture

Humility....well said. I

Humility....well said. I love, "wading through an awful inhumane mess 

you support even what you cannot yet


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "