
as 'Undeniable' as it may seem
an ultra beautiful cataclysm is
about to take place
the stars are aligning
as this old planet spins on
alas love alas
you have invited two hands
to reach out and join
moments so rare such as these
make pivotal steps
a precipice of near touchable wonder
stretches out its marvelous arms
to brush the hearts
of two formerly restless spirits
just wait for me a little while longer now
we shout back and forth to each other
across the shortening chasm
the reward will be smile and smiles...........
(July 24, 2013 937am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Who was it that said hope has many shades, belief holds many tears ah but love encompasses every crevice and corner of the living, breathing being! It was me.......as that just came to me.

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nightlight1220's picture

The most breathtaking waves

The most breathtaking waves in ocean crash and recede, and the force that moves them to their grandest heights is the same one that smoothes the sands on the outermost shoreline. I don't know which I like more---the poem or the comment, Melissa. ~peace~


...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "


palewingedpoetess's picture

many thanks.............

for the smiles your comments bring. But tell me what else can come out of a woman in love's inner most being than thoughts of love and love's implications! the best of everything to you, as always write on..... Sincerest thanks, M................