
I'm an ecstatic being
brilliantly emerging
from many previous
shadows of self
in the broad flush
of my middle years
illumination is
an uplifting experience
elation, its rare liquor
treating such zest
for one's ultimate in living
to such opulent treats
of fancy
the art of mere conversation
is an all inclusive gift
though perfection exists not
upon this faulted plain
still miniscule shards of it
reveal themselves regularly
amid the layers of our
mutual twining
honest, open interaction
a most fortunate foundation
for two
formerly felt to be
isolated souls
draped in burdensome flesh
as they were
to recognize each other
from such distance,
in the time space continuum
man has thus labeled
arousing the very passions in my

innermost awareness
as you have fellow journeyman
I lift my spirit's goblet to thee
and smile into your heart
as I tip to sip such mead
from the rim's edge
but this time
it flows freely from
your glass
'Gorgeous, Warm, Amber Nectar'
that it is

I  drink heartily

and allow thee to

even further intoxicate.............
(April 18, 2013 414am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for that lovely mirror of a soul that shines back into my own.................

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aziz's picture

j'aime ton style d'expréssion

j'aime ton style d'expréssion quoi que tes mots sont difficile à maitriser et que tu les fais danser à ta guise.
j'admire surtout la fin dont le nectar prend place du miel et du joie.
i like.
mes amitiés

palewingedpoetess's picture

Thank you so much.........

but I must confess my 2 years of High School French from more than 2 decades ago now leaves a lot to be desired so I had to put your comments into a free on line French to English translator to get fully what you said. I truly appreciate your kind words and I promise soon to read your poetry via that same translator to have an idea of what you are writing about. Believe it or not but I wanted to learn French all those years ago so I could hopefully one day myself write poetry in French as it has always been called the true language of Love. I found learning a second language beyond my mental grasp. It would seem that part of my brain that learns language closed up many moons prior so I just have to stick to English and muddle through it as best as I can. Your critique really put a smile on my face. once again, sincerest thanks, M.............

nightlight1220's picture



...and he asked her, "do you write poetry? Because I feel as if I am the ink that flows from your quill."

"No", she replied, "but I have experienced it. "