
an over thinking mind
rains an overage of
crocodile tears
perception in and of itself
can all too mightily
be over thought
one's mind can too often
heartaches that are not really
man hurts when he fights
what is
rather than accepts
the now of his experiences
it is the slate of one's humanity
that labels
all that one encounters as bad
or good
when in actuality every experience
is just a form of fuel ere food
for the sojourning soul's
true evolution
or perhaps we should flip
the idea for a moment
and contemplate
what if what is felt or seen as
bad here
is so very good for the soul
in the eternal 'Here' after
then perhaps the mind's tears
gradually become
'Smiles Of The Soul'
well then
perhaps I have given
your tearful mind
something else entirely
to think upon.............
(Dec. 30, 2010 734pm)

(inspired by Human Pulse's poem 'In A Minute' emailed to me yesterday)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Inspired by fellow post poems poet Human Pulse's poem 'In A Minute' which he wrote and posted a couple of days ago as well as emailed me a copy to read .Check his poems out my fellow poets he's quite good.

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humanpulse's picture

Thanks for this wonderful

Thanks for this wonderful poem. So optimistic thinking. This is what we need for the new year, to start it with smiles and leave our worries behind.

palewingedpoetess's picture


I missed not one but two of your critiques Fahad you should cut off a pinky toe of mine with rusty scissors for this. Forgive me truly my friend. I've been so remiss of replying to my critiques and happy wishes. I'll make this up to you. Your friend M.