
no matter what feat of weight loss or life style

change I make

my 6 and a 1/2 months at Curves told me that

in your eyes I will never be

thin enough

healthy enough

smart enough

nor lovable enough

to deserve your praise on any front

the saddest thing is you use to think so highly of me

( I have the emails to prove it)

but sometime, somehow, somewhere that all evaporated

and I guess I'm never to be told by you just why?

(March 20. 2007 3pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

found in my poetry notes over 14 months later. This poem came after a huge fight I had had with my husband. It bespeaks a lot of hurt feelings. Since we are long passed this episode I can air my Dirty Laundry safely now I surmised so here it is...

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