beckoning at the bridge of violent inconsideration
blazes chivalrously the perfect smile
my one, personal, true defense
that can pull the plug on nearly all adversity
reality's bully of a child
while such a simple movement of one's lips
often can disarm the meanest and most aggressive
putting me clearly at the advantage
to the for front of the unenvisioned cue
a most desirous place by all
to be one up on the opposing majority
what a coup!
standing tall
a singular force of pride filled happiness
glowing all the more warmer
from a note worthy within
that winning smile returns once again
for the simple purpose
to beam fully victorious
and joyously proud................
(April 7, 1994 am)
agree with your theme for smile's life but smiles count too as my SAY...(( a friendly smile is the best weapon of war to fight with...afzal shauq)) love your poetry to go through and comment on and I will sure,,, these days I like someone's eyes and fan of them to steal lol... best of luck and salute to those eyes..making me crazy like a mad of dreams...