
like a badly recovering

pagan worshiper

you harbored

perfection uninspired

lack luster drive

too far retired

confidence too sorely required

too careful of the pending consequence

your numerous bad habits

all too quickly on you


that was only when

I was finally permitted

to see you for who you really were

a very small coward hunkering before me

in a heroes clothes

and they were stolen ones at that

I didn't even dignify your presence

with the use of a single spoken word

for I was forever sickened by your

black hearted little man behind a big

cavalier attitude facade

I gave a hearty full bodied laugh of

relief as I exited your nauseating though

now non existent world

sunlight never felt so good

as it did that first morning when I felt

it again on my face when I first walked

away from you and out of your life and place..........

(Nov. 27, 1998)

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S74rw4rd's picture

Excellent description!
