
my romantic nebular

a bearer of such dirtied truth

so dismissive is he in his familiar

squiggly scrawl

I am divested of my former might

extreme calm

weighs upon me

a virtual staggering ton

I fast in the moment

mentally wrenched

from such strange self kindness

such silent verbal battle

my mind teeters along

the fault of deeply private hysteria

why, at its peak

its almost quite fun

he was never quite as well armed

as he would have had even me believe

such a shocking revelation really

he should have been a Shakespearian actor

why, he is almost mine fairest equal

where there sits the lack of self esteem

I was in fact angrily suspicious

his motives appeared so coldly plain

where now they are quite harmless

rather puny and pathetic

a distinct lack of feeling rendered them


he deliberately showed his loss of so much

simply so I could gain

a detached insight you might claim

of sorts

to the pale- emptied side of this stoic


leaving little more than a squandered front

he unknowingly harvested a thrashing flood

of pride less pity

I was it seems

a little wrong

'tis a parody of

injured amusement

harboring a smothered want

that leads only to further heartache

and all over such an over blown little


how can either of our essences of worth

stand it in far more too common reality

I do believe such mysterious moods of his

could quite carelessly kill


this tender yet most absurdly loyal spark

that yearns in me

extinguishing forever

this mismatched magnificent mix of such




wonder and love

dead roses now litter

the endless lengths of highway

we have left

I have lost something so beautiful in

the search

sad now am I

all along

it really was never for the sacrificed



why is it that

even the most magnificent fantasies

in the end

lose all their initial appeal

leaving nothing

but the cold hard fact

that everything has changed

I'll never be able to watch

another Tide commercial again

without wanting to break the

television set

'Change For The Better'



(June 20, 1999)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

about my ex husband there at the last few painful dredge years of our marriage.

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intresting ... and let me say... you are great poetess...