
I still remember touching you

and all the pleasure it could bring

I remember all the love in your eyes

you could not hide from me

and how comforted and cocooned

I felt from the shelter of your tender heart

I still remember the strength in your strong

dark capable hands grip as it held mine

and how so naturally as we started to walk again

I would reach down and blindly feel for it

I remember how so gallantly you always stood near

so quick to do for and or aid me in anything I should


I still remember the great pride that swelled in my


just to be out and about with you

I remember  the incomparable joy of sitting by your

side in the many cabs and rickshaws

as they attempted to take us everywhere we wished to go

I still remember the raw, beautiful timber of your

voice as you would say, 'I Love You My Bebby!'

as your rough husky breath skated across the nape of

my exposed neck

when your arms drew me near

I remember how you shared your tears and showed me

your own unabashed need of me

I still remember the way you could whole heartedly

laugh and wink so charmingly looking so boyish

in your care free demeanor

I remember watching you sleep so peacefully like a

child and how I prayed so softly that I'd have at least

a whole entire life time of nights to do so again

and how I so emotionally envisioned our own little boy

saying I love You Mommy! with that same adorable grin

I still remember all things good that you made with me

to feel

but best of all

I still remember you

my darling








and this fantastic love we found in each other

and fed and created

to make more real than any regular real

and all of this I remember just because you are

my incredible


breath stealing you

my Satyajeet

bronzed with unstoppable appeal...............

(written Dec.19, 2001 315am)

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