
I could never kill

I'm glad I'm not a man

and that Vietnam has never been

my own personal ongoing night mare

nor any war was ever forced upon me

why, I'd be called a coward

a draft dodger

if it were

and my beliefs would be called into question


many would sneer

and paint my sensitive character as yellow

in their talks

I could never abuse

I'm glad I'm not a man

using my power and strength to belittle


or dominate another

into my way of the world view

be ye my fellow man

kind, gentle woman

innocent child

or faceless countries

there is too much misery already

without one more reluctant, scared, young soldier

gearing up

shipping out

and puking up his breakfast in abject fright

of the looming unknown

upon his first full day

in country

I could never be a hate filled bigot

I'm glad I'm not a man

the south fell

literally and figuratively

in the eyes of oh so many

in many respects

all was put in the fight

for such a sickening reason

for the right to continue owning

and abusing

other human beings

I guess I will never truly understand this

least not while still in this all too fallable


so once again I feel I must profess

I'm glad I'm not a man

but rather this ever watchful person

I was for some yet known reason

born to be

A God Loving

People Embracing

World Experiencing

Woman that I am

yes, heartily so

yes, indeed

I'm glad I'm not a man

as a man I believe

would never have the courage to pen

so to command such words in himself

to the page

such as

just these words


I am so very glad that I am just

who I am


(written Oct. 26,2001 1230am)

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