
the disease of stupidity

is terminal

I dare suspect

the heart dumbs down the brain

and the soul is unable to appeal

the ruling of what just is

or rather what little is left


as memories beat the psyche

with their tenacious cane

the aching fool refuses to die

sometimes the past resurfaces

to bleed bitter

and gut all previous yesterdays

with a rusty knife

stepping over your useless ashes

I embrace tomorrow minus all your

foolish games

I am a brilliant beautiful force

I whisper so to make myself


you a negative swirling eddy

worse than a churn

you meant little more than

nothing to me

it was my idea of you that

I once so ignorantly revered

but now

I am totally free

of my incorrect and

quite painful estimation

yes my mistakes

have indeed taught me

you were never really really


but a self constructed

'Heart's Chameleon '

and such knowledge

unveiled itself just now

to reveal its self to me.........................

(Dec. 11, 2009 257am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

about how we fall in love with ideas of people and not the true person. Came from a sad character in a so so book.

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ApandaRae's picture

This poem is so good, I absolutely love it, for real :)