
first tolled the warning

vacantly dire as it was

in its command

then and only then

did the actual mass exodus

of scrambling bodies in vehicles begin

destruction rained her power like

a fierce slap all across the gulf

for an extended biblicalesque time

that is until

devastation swept through the left behind's

hearts, eyes, lives and minds

while before the eyes of a deeply shattered


these poor divided indeviduals's collective

horror movie took place

How? we all asked can such a travesty occur

and in America

a land of such broad freedoms, great goodness

and unending grace

besieged as the hostages were by water,

by sewage, by death and deprivation

with so much debris and separation

in limp, slow, horrified response

the government and her people determinedly

pulled together as a nation

for so, so often when that devil of nature

rises to attack our shores

we as a country unified do what we do best

we defend our land and lend a helping hand

to help all our own

survive and go on to be each his own self success

this is what makes AMERICA great

for that is one of many truths we dearly hold

to be self evident

its the Jeffersonian giving to

and the Rev. Dr. King Jr. way of helping one

another up

that ever lives on in all men

to feed and foster this idea that this is

truly by every man's deed and action

one Nation built as one Power

decidedly under GOD


and wholely cared for...........

(written Sept 7,2005 745pm)

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Great Write! So Jaded