who was it that once said brilliant is the author
who feels strongest in his very own words
why even turbulence you see has its limits
while its the jagged debris from the deepest part
of my conflicting mind
that evolves into what I call poetry
still, its such 'self debates' that propel me
to be brutally matter of fact in my view
these very lines themselves
chalked up chatter
that alters the poetic ego
spinning out whispers of fragmented sense
some more perfect than others
whispers like a sweet threat making my litany
of mentions be heard
after such hail storm of personal tragedy
the promise of the soul shares me tonight
as the arch of the merry beseecher bleeding
so beautifully
stays sharp upon his mark
the salty tears of separation and the sweet
memories and longing
all make a most commendable blend..........
(written Nov.3, 2001 1am)