


an eager beast


in a moonlit night

a feast of flesh for the senses

lips drinking

gasp upon glorious gasp

a panting pool of feminine lure

with sensuous puddles beneath her

sweet derriere

beckons its male counterpart

drink of me

devour my creamy lava like core

let such eruption

become the sustenance your searching

mouth so longs for

feed and be fed

burn to be desired

and all your insistent secret pleasures

shall be wondrously reaped

beyond that of the merely required

I am captive to your delicious entanglement

siren to the fiery ache that bellows so loudly

in your loins

mirth that soothes the forgotten joy

that your soul still craves

sweet woman

a dish to be served upon your pallet of need

the thick sweet flick of your creative tongue

cements my ache and throb

while guaranteeing my cries of joy

a coveted place between your teeth and lips

suck my aching core's juices out of this soft

fleshy melon  of hot pulsating pink

fully taste the me you've only heard

your heartbeat and breath

hotly whisper to my body

how so close I have you

the brink yawns before us both

ready to take us both down

that primrose  path of mind altering


these are the GOOD feelings synthetic drugs

were concocted for

In layman's terms you are the bomb !!....

(April 19,2000 5pm)  

Author's Notes/Comments: 

an endeavor born of my never ending longing to beautify love making to the world of lovers.

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Shaketa Copelin's picture

this was a good read.....