

places in memory's yet made mist

to and fro

why obvious is choice love sanity's bliss


what could be

fells fantasy's wish

beautiful simplicity share your first docile kiss

as even the bestower too longs for just this pucker to paint my skin

with your avid burning lips

rosebuds of revealment who's gentle hue matches my tender pink beaded tips

wet and willing I squirm in your grip

take me beyond the highest mountain's peak as your mere touch makes my over swollen ovaries even wanna do flips

I stand in puddles of solitude until I feel you before me warm and alive with my own tentative fingers' tips

I shall wait anxiously with shallowly drawn and baited breath

soft deep warm gone so long now

a wanting woman endlessly searching for her one true lover

her heartbeat a staccato rhythm beneath her nervous female flesh

until you are mine all these factors come into play and run rampant in my thoughts without any rest

as sweet will be our meeting on that one glorious day of days when at last I hold you unbearably close to my quivering soft breast

so remember October is only but a few meager more sadly drawn breaths of forced separation away!!!!!!!!.

or is this just the beginning my darling?

(July 18,2000 230pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for S..........

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