

think of my hand as your blanket

the essence that is

this never idle soul

a swarm of bees

needing to be touched

and reaching out to the need

that dwells there

touching a world  that would otherwise

shrivel up from

its own cold

if it were not for the hope

that endlessly whispers in the hearts and ears          

of all men's fears and deepest unspoken longings

that for which is



Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for my Palestinian friend Salim when he told me of an incident he went through at an Israeli checkpoint!I do not approve of the suicide bombings but my heart went out to my friend Salim who is in no way part of all that terror.

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humanpulse's picture

Simple peace … I know. Happiness is in simplicity. Simplicity leads to understanding. Beauty is also so simple. But life, regrettably, is complex. Alas.
Fortunately, there are beautiful poetesses such as you who make reality bearable.
Accept my admiration beautiful mind… expressive brain. I love they way you sing poetess. Keep on singing. Your songs are like the breeze that refreshes the souls after a hard day work.