
drugs are not the way

remission is guilt

confronted at last

in the back lash

of personal destruction

true self awareness

allowed to break free

from the constraints of

the vicious dark human cycles

that have been permitted for form

for far too long

in the land fill of the mind

here it signs of these very markers

that can give man back some of his

precious center

the unbroken ground of free will

though as the addict stumbles and tumbles


such self made maze of near inoperable despair

self hatred rises

to the surface of expression

and the addict wallows in such heavy cloak daily

as acid



and alcohol

all transform themselves into

'The Drano Of Tom Foolery' that they are

which more and more is robbing society

not only of the thought to be unwanted

throw aways anymore

but the much more viable inmates as well

the respectable ranks of




military personnel

and prominent businessmen

are now stolen from us

in alarming numbers

theres no true quick fix

all the answers can only be found

one at a time

deep in the soul of our selves

it truly is

survival of the fittest

and quite often

the biggest lesson taught to one's soul

is only found in the stupidest choices

and worst mistakes imaginable

that he the all too fallible human

can make

and for such fallen persons

pity should never be revealed

as no blind enabler

serves any true good

least of all to a desperate addict

give them tools to help pull themselves up

and out

not another reason to fall back into it all


(written Aug. 21, 2001 5am)

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