
he stated

'It's trash'

upon reading my poem

and I said thank you

yet thought 'but its my trash'

and what you think is beautiful

or meaningful work of your own

others may too read yours

and state to you just the same

'its trash'

then where in that monument would you be

why , right here now with me

a rejected projector of the manipulation of words

little more than another human dictionary

that lives, breathes and thinks in rhyme

two months later 'My Trash' was published

and the sting of his sneering words

hobbled back to mock the mocker

'tis a pity that whatever the community of poetry

that ousted your trash

found you rather wanting in your own substance

of choice

but why be so shocked in trance

for that is how karma deals with

the negative being shoved into

an already too bitter world

for others to feed on.......................

(Nov. 25, 2008 614am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

proof that most poets don't take negative criticism very well, but in my own defense this chap was wrong as the poem I am speaking of did get published and came in second place for some in house award which made me smile mostly due to that one person's hateful comments prior to that occurring ........

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Bryan Adam Tomimbang's picture

I've gone through the same thing here. I understand completely. Nasty poets that claim they've read X number of years of poetry and wrote X number of years then go on making an arrogant mockery of others' writings are ridiculous. Because they think they are better? So selfish and hate consuming. But you know what? As they say, let your haters be your motivators.

Ruth Lovejoy's picture

I've gone through the same as you. Had a heckler for a while leaving exceptionally nasty comments for no apparent reason. Guess he thought he was funny. In any case I say we write first for ourselves to answer the calling and if when shared others like it great and if not it's their opinion and we all know opinions are like AH and everyone has one hahalol..Even those who don't like something if they give constructive criticism that's fine but negative comments to just heckle are ridiculous..