
argument to the contrary
publicly cheeky I am not
splendor falls
among the many traces
of society
jam on the vine
grows marvelously hot
tropes cannot be repeatedly
for their messages are in
the cross hairs of equality
we are 'Immigrant Dream Keepers'
of the earth
Rosa parks obstacles less slighted
by our very own misguided ideas
of morality
even while catatonic
the many still walk
a phenomenon that only God
can fully comprehend
unbecoming to life
are people fixated on
masterminding death
either by
dying themselves
while killing innocents
as they do so
or far worse
the inducement of others
into their heinous plots
to commit such atrocities
and indiscriminately kill
the unsuspecting
for murder is murder
and God's Ten Commandments
command one and all equally
starting with
commandment number one
so take heed haters
folly and forfeit your own soul's
eternal salvation.............
(Jan. 28,2015 1145am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Written for the ignorant, the arrogant, the hate filled and the deeply murdersome.


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S74RW4RD's picture


Profoundly wise.  From a less talented writer, the message of the poem might sound merely shrill and "smarmish"; but your exceptional talent, and the understated tone you have chosen in this poem, makes the message the more powerful and far less easy to dismiss.


allets's picture

"...a phenomenon

that only God can comprehend..." wonder filled concept, so large and the poem a warning to evil - "Not here!" A daily sermon, thanks, needed one - Your Sister In Chirst ~ Lady A



palewingedpoetess's picture

Wow, both of your comments are jaw dropping thank you!

You make me feel my words are my calling card or some such. Thank you both for such lovely honest praise. I work with what is given just as both you do. It feels amazing to be appreciated though I must say. I am truly humbled. Thanks again, M.