
such violent,angry, young men
to think, so horribly misguided by
little more than a cartoonist's pen
in the micro turbulent aftermath
murder finds itself parked
on the spear point of sin
but sadness possesses its own
inner power
to unite the world against ideas
so ancient, barbaric and grim
evil steals life and liberty from
others ability to live
then it puts up bars to hold them in
angry rhetoric reinforces already
boiling up inner violence and
butchery's desired whim
broad thinking and inclusive ideas
are shunned
as barbaric times are ushered in
some are simply overly addicted to
war, blood, hate, discourse
and revenge
they are unable to recognize
the light when it streams in
for the beauty of difference, love and
liberty they cannot value nor comprehend
their minds are too damaged
set on a path by blind hatred's spin
I worry not of such wolves bloodletting
their own sheep's clothing
for good trumps evil every
catastrophic time
God created and further perfected
every possible aspect of this human's game
and the murderers never get to win
they are buried in a hail of gunfire
snuffing out such lives so profane
what they or others see as victory
is but an illusion to the limited human eye
as the surface view does not always
depict truth's deepest lesson and tale
without the recognition of the perfect soul
humanity fails to register the inherent value
of every living being's right to live.............
(Jan.12, 2014 408pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

My initial reaction to those armed men in Paris murdering those cartoonists in the Charlie Hebdo Magazine offices during a meeting they were having.Then as the murderers spilled out onto the street and wounding then executing a Police officer in cold blood.

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bishu's picture

Thanks Sis

May  pens silence the hatred being spilt



palewingedpoetess's picture

True, hense the phrase

the pen is mightier than the sword that can be said for modern times as well the pen is mightier than the machine gun and all the terrorists holding one.  A people unitied will stand a people divided will fall. Thanks for this gentle reminder brother bishu. M.