Holding fears tightly kept, grasping with trembling hands
I hold onto the lies, the trouble times, rounded up by steeled bands
You came along at such a strange time in my life
No way was I ready, dealing inwardly with strife
But here you arm with eyes of the purest blue
How you would affect me in such a short time, no one knew.
Yet here you are, before me holding out your hand to me
I can only look upon you through tear filled eyes, and on shaking knees.
I want to trust you, dying to know
What could happen between us, how it could go
But something inside me has yet to heal
Making it so difficult in my heart, in my life to feel
I know you understand me, deep down you see
To the hidden depths that could only be me
Maybe one day I’ll love, and one day this will be
Something more profound than simply you and me