The wanderings of a sad poet. it is a long journey

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Bless you Paddy

Kindred Spirit

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kindred spirit

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Laurness's picture

Sad Poet Wanderings



This is a touching piece; serves to remind me to look in a person's eyes to see the truth. Thank you for sharing this peek into your day.

paddymaxwell's picture

thank you

thank you for your kind comment

allets's picture


inspire us to go on. I have loved people who moved on and occasionally I wonder what happened to them. Toffler calls them throw away relationships, I call them having lived to the max. Experiencial write.



paddymaxwell's picture


I was rather a tortured soul in those days-where do our poems come from?

allets's picture

My Poems

are a continued autobiography, Put them all together and you have a pretty good idea of me. My muse likes to take credit, but he' out of town most of the year. My ego is a candidate though.