You’re like the male me
When we fist
Begin talking a few
Days ago. I thought
This guy is cool
I love his personality
And humor
Too but there’s no way
We ever talk again
He probably only will
Talk to me that one time
Because he felt sorry
For me but then once he
Kept talking to me over
The course of the few days
I thought maybe I do have
A real shot a getting to know
Him and calling a friend
And who knows will
Happens between us over time
We understand each other s
Struggles with be disabled
And we know that those
That love us try to encourage us
Everyday but even then
We get discouraged
And we say to ourselves
We don’t want be disabled
Anymore knowing we can’t ever
Wish our diseases were nothing
But a bad dream that never
Come true. All I know no
Matter the outcome of your
Surgery we have to stick together
To be with him and his angels
On that fateful day!
And be there for one
Always and forever!!!!!!!!
hmm a good inspiring poem the idea
It is always wise to be kind to a stranger,a stranger can become a friend, a friend a bond for a life time that makes our life whole through understand,respect,and compassion which is the human factor personified..