a A poem for somebody that signed my poetry guest book!

A poem somebody that signed my poetry guest book!


I saw the message

You lefted in my

Guest book. And

I didn’t even notice

Your name I’m not

Sure I would like to

Know your name

From the sound of

The rude message you

Wrote me you sound like a cruel

And harsh person to me anyway!

I only said that your poem

Didn’t make sense to me.

And I ask what the meaning of

Your so called poem was?

Because I didn’t understand it that’s

All I said. I didn’t mean to

Hurt your feelings by the

Comments I made.

And I never said that your

Poetry was bad in anyway or anything.

And yes I realize that poetry doesn’t always

Have to rhyme but if you like music you should write

Songs! not just bands and songs! And put a little more emotion into it like your body’s flowing with the music,

Each and every time you hear your favorite songs! As far me writing

something constructive

“As you say” my poetry must be okay my poems  

were published by several different publishing companies! So you say whatever you wanna say about me I really don’t care what people say or think of me I’m just me lory I just write for fun anyway!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this about  somebody who lefted a comment in my guest book!

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I think I understand what you are saying and feeling here like I wrote a poem called Advice after I posted a few of my poems at the message boards and some people were just trying to tear apart my poetry...so no more of that for me...it is what it is and that's all it is...if they like it fine, if not, they don't have to read it...nobody is forcing them...but u should check out my advice poem cuz I think we have the same message to share...anyways...please check out some of my poetry too and comment on how it made you feel and if you liked it or not...I appreciate anything anyone says...I also did a poem called How Rude that might relate to this situation....pam