I'm on a ride

mystery guy

I’m on a ride

I’ve Figured you out

And what you’re all

About. You don’t

Like to express

Your feelings

With words. you

Like to find other

Ways to say what

You want to say.

And as much as

This hurts to say this

Because I’m in love

With you in every way

And I think about you

Every Day! Even if you lived closer

To me I don’t think I could you

date you! As much as I’d love too

date you! I’d probably deny I had

Any feelings for you

And turn and walk away

Unless you forced me

To look you in the face.

You ask me didn’t people in

Wheelchairs deserve to be

Happy? I said I didn’t know?

I never really stopped to

Think about it? I said

It’s best to put everybody

Else first! I ask you if you’re going

To love somebody wouldn’t

You rather they be able to walk?

You said not if I cared about them!

You made me cave and let go

And go with the flow. I told you

I feel like we’re on a ride

And where it goes neither one of us

Knows, your just holding my hand

Telling me no what happens we’re going

To be okay and you’ll keep me safe!

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I wrote this about my mistery man and me

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chris's picture

I thought this poem was about you and your mystery man. I liked it. You are very right. Love is like a ride. I have been there. You want to see what happens next. You are scared to death to see what happens next.