A little piece of paper.
Even though me
My mom have good
Doctors now. Over
The years we’ve
Come in contact
With doctors in the
Pass that when you
Ask them something
They act like they cared
But the truth of the matter
They didn’t care as long as they
Received their paycheck in the
End. Some doctors think just
Because they have a little degree
They know more then anybody.
When some can look in a book
Or read on the net and learn more in
A couple hours of reading then a doctor
Grasp in 7 to 12 of collage
I like the doctors that
Will be honest with you
And not sugar coat anything
Just because they think it’s
You want to hear, and they
Talk to you about the different
Treatments, side effects of the
Meds that’s a real doctor to me.
Feb 27th 2007
give the piece a title.. Suggestion: God Is God But Doctors Are Just Human