Welcome back Dick Clark!

Welcome back Dick Clark!

I’m so


That dick



From his sudden


To do the new

Year’s eve party

That comes on

Every year.

He done for

Many years

All except for

Last year because

He had a stoke of

Course everybody


Last year party

Didn’t seem the

Same without him I

Guess it’s because

He’s been hosting the

Show for so long.

Even though his

Speech was

Perfect it was

Good to see

Him making

A strong

Comeback on

This little fall in

His life!

Jan 5, 06,

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Ruth Lovejoy's picture

Mybrother grew up with Dick Clark in the 50's me in the late 60's and yes he is eternally young. No stroke or anything could take his pizazz away that is for sure,I agree with you, Welcome Back Dick Clark!