~Wing Lo on "Less is More" ~
Wing Lo went to high mountain.
It quiet and peaceful on mountain.
Wing Lo camp by cold creek.
Catch small fish in creek.
Small fish taste very good.
Three pilgrims happen upon his camp.
Pilgrims hungry.
He find place in creek for big fish.
He catch big fish.
Big fish not taste as good
as small fish, but feeds Wing Lo
and pilgrims.
Pilgrims like big fish.
Pilgrims like big helpings.
Wing Lo catch another big fish.
Pilgrims eat plenty and sleep.
Pilgrims snore and fart.
Camp no more quiet and peaceful.
Wing Lo slip away while pilgrims sleep.
Make new camp alone where fish in creek
small and tasty.
D. B. Tompsett
wing lo swings low with no sweet chariot