half empty bottle

i sit here with my half empty bottle

drinking away my problems

trying hard to think of the better days

but then i realise they don't exist

so i try to look to the future

what will i be?

what will i become?

then i realise

i have no future

i already am everything that i will ever be


and you pretend to care

but why?

why do you care?

why are you sorry?

why do you wish you could change things?

when you know you cant.

your think you are capable of helping me

giving me a happy life

but you don't realise,

i see the truth

you are only capable of hurting me more

and stealing the days from my life, already stolen too much

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Agian this poem hits home. I like how you can fit all your feeling in such a short poem i like that.I enjoy reading your poems.