On a good day, so beautiful
memory reveals to me
those evenings, so wonderful
ages that used to be
when the sun was shining,
the color of the skies were blue
and when it came to evening
to each other we were glue.
We spoke in a language
only meant for two
We shared an adage
crafted by me and you
Now the clouds are angry
the rains have come
Hunger fills the belly
shapes start to form
the wind of change blows and harshly
on the bond we've built
reactions vent out violently
and some with guilt
As we watch the wind
we pray and hope
As we reminesce
comes the struggle to cope
The rays of the sun
shine hard that we blink
Far from our eyes the fun
came the sailing bond to sink
Again we try to repair with hearts of a pair
the damage to us done.
Sad how good relationship
can be stolen so quickly
by the passing. Like it =)