A Collection of Time Machines

I still remember those hot summer days and the clear blue sky, as blue and as bright as my grandpa's eyes. All my memories of him I cherish but there is one that won’t ever perish. For as long as I can remember his colognes have been present, in all colors and size, in all pigments and dyes. He kept them all together on the upper part of his boudoir, although in no specific order, it was almost aléatoire. The scent of them all together is still quite hard for me to describe but if I concentrate and try, I begin to reminisce. The smell was a jumble of oak, tobacco and wood, boy o boy those colognes did smelled good. He wore cologne everyday no matter where he went, from a casual rendezvous to an anniversary event. It surprises me I must say, that not one time I saw one empty, maybe he must’ve bought of each cologne plenty. When it came to the brand he wasn’t at all picky, as long as he liked it and made him smell nifty. He owned brands like Creed, Dior and Robanne, but he would not mind to have from Forever 21. Later, as I grew older, I learned why he had such a big cologne collection; he taught me that there is a specific cologne for every single occasion, even for the most simple day of summer vacation. As the years went by bottles came and bottles went, all but three that never left. I soon came to know that they were not just any bottles cologne; they were from special moments that he would never forgo. One from his wedding, one from my mom’s and one from my aunt’s. Not so long after learning this my grandpa took his last breath and it was not until his death that I came to understood the true meaning of what his colognes meant. These were not just fragrances that he used to smell fine, these were time machines he had to travel back in time. He used the smell of this fragrances to remember precious moments in his life, as I now do to keep him in my mind alive; years have passed, and time has gone by but I will always remember what that boudoir smelled like. After a while I took it upon myself to carry this collection as a tradition of my own and now I have my own collection of cologne.


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playful... enjoyed it

playful... enjoyed it