In Whom Did they trust

In who do we trust?

Sometimes I don’t know.

We say it is in God,

but that I cannot see.

For every time we are just fine,

God is not allowed.

But every time our nation  falls apart,

Just whom is it that we seek?


Why though is only then?

Do we think we can do it on our own?

Oh, When will we learn?

We never would have gotten this far,

Had it not been for our forefather’s foundation in God.

When they were thankful,

They praised.

When they were mourning they asked for mercy.

When they were feeling like there was no hope,

They prayed for love, and blessing.

When it felt like the world was ending,

They prayed for peace and hope for a brighter day.

They came here for that freedom, love and to get away from discrimination.

And what do the people face today?

Discrimination, hatred, poverty, and racism.

Where would they turn if this were their world?

I’ll tell you where. God.

Where do we turn?

We, like dumb fools, turn to ourselves and ignore most of what happens.

We just walk on down the street ignoring what we see.

But now, tragedy strikes again and where do we turn?

We turn to God and ask him to bless us and save us,

When we have forsaken him more than ten times over.

But yet, we ask him not to forsake us.

Why do we bring these things upon ourselves?

Why don’t we just let people believe what they want,

But still worship where we want to worship.

I understand that everyone has a different belief

But most of them still believe in a god.

If Jehovah’s witnesses can go around and talk to anyone

About their religion, how come we cant talk to everyone about ours?

We can’t worship god in schools, or in public places,

We can’t tell people about him because that would be a violation,

Of the “separation of church and state”.

Again, you know what’s funny?

Our forefathers had no separation of church and state.

In fact the church was normally the school and gathering place.

Another funny thing is that when people tried to pray in school,

People took them to court.

But now that our country is in trouble,

There is no separation of church and state.

People are praying and gathering for worship in the schools and public places.

Again, it is only when the nation is in trouble.

Maybe trouble is what America asks for.

It sure does seem like it.

Or, is that just me?

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem was written for school, but it rings true for every true american.

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saiom's picture

i believe not in no prayer
but in prayer in all faiths represented



Dana's picture

This is excellent and so true to our society today. Every one only looks to God when they need him, but the rest of the time we put him on a shelf in the corner of our room.