Even Ground

The perfect meeting place

A cafe, a coffee and treat dispensary
Lovers eye's meet for the first time
And elderly couples hold hands

A tween with a green mohawk
Twitches in need for his fix
A triple shot mochahito, whatever that is.

High schoolers on their lunchbreak
Pool change for 'anything strong'
To keep them up the rest of the day.

Business men, starting their shift
Demanding express espresso.
Saying it wrong. Adding an ex.

It smells like a good morning
Or a long night.
Either way, full of restlessness.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

Woot I was punny. Dang coffee is inspirational, almost sad I gave it up.

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allets's picture

Fie Ont!

Thou wast punny, knave. Cafes and caffiene go together like good poems and great lines of a busy space with lot of different faces and motives - liked it one enormity and well, me thinks. Thou ken well, ween breaketh quill to parchment page the muse is thine. - Zounds! T'Was merrie - allets