"And If"


Ignorance vs. circumstance,

Where'd you put my khaki pants?

Altogether rainy weather,

Sleeping, bleeding on my sweater.

Nonexistent stain resistant,

Tomorrow just seems so distant.

Warranty on my war and tea,

Haven't you some sympathy?

Yearly merely isn't nearly,

What it is that makes you fear me.

Outwitted, but he admitted,

Up he stands with his teeth gritted.

Lifted gifted boy has shifted,

Down below the sand is sifted.

Inside, outside, all the wrong side,

Twisted, blistered, missed the low tide.

Ecstatic, eratic, he pulled a hat trick,

Ludacrissly walking briskly,

Let me know why that cop frisked me.

Under where your underwear sits,

Just sit back when I throw my fits.

    -Lo Ruhamah

Author's Notes/Comments: 

"ya, i'd say that qualifies for 'sucks'"
- Joy

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