Some days the world seems so small,
I could own the world, and rule it all.
There's not a problem in the air,
My world spins 'round without a care.
I look around for someone who,
Can share the times that I go through.
I search and hunt the world and see,
That most are taken, there's few for me.
I find the one, I know it's her,
I see the one I'm searching for.
She will be mine, I know it's true,
You say she's yours, she belongs to you.
I'm sure of this, I'll have her near.
But, you may give me trouble, I fear.
If I can't have her, that's the end.
You can have her, I'm done, my friend.
I quit this all, this race, this fight.
I quit so I can sleep at night.
This girl has caused me endless pain,
My attempts at winning her were vain.
You've won, you're king, you get the best.
You've picked the one out of the rest,
The one I chose at my first sight.
The one who shone out like a light.
I've searched the world, and come to find,
There are women with beauty, grace, and mind.
But none will ever hurt me like you,
No other girl will ever get through,
The barrier I've always held over my heart.
None will ever have the power to break it apart.
I've discovered from all the pain I've gone through,
That there's not a person, another like you.
And I have found also, this one simple fact,
"Rely not on people, but God as your pact."
For He will not move, He'll never back down,
He'll always be willing to invert your frown.
"In reality, our decency is taking a plunge,
'In God We Trust' is an American pun."
But, I've found the truth in those four simple words,
Our friends and our family may cause us some hurts.
But, God, through it all will keep our heads straight.
So when I am worried about my "future," my "fate"
I'll lean to my Father, the one who gives life,
For He made my body, He can give me a wife.
- Lo Ruhamah
hey, i just wanted to say that i really like this poem. i hope that u have the same strength and trust in God in real life as u do in ur poems. reading this give me joy to think that u trust only in God to send u ur wife. i hope that u find her soon. *me*