The dream that took decades [Written By: Rin Cantimus]

Many people promised many things to me...

in order to be the man I need to be I had to let them be..

seeing as i am just fine everything they said was a fucking lie...

but this dream took decades..


the charade you paid to see..has to be the shitty thing..

why is my misery something you think is funny..

my pain is your glory...your mind is that gorey....

why cant we get friends..move passed this wackness..

but this dream took decades...


standing in the umbralla...

I thought I was a studdy fella...its sad because she was a product of my mind..

mind made her LOOK like an angel sent from the man himself...

but the horns were hidin like the arrow cupid fired...

and everyone says im the liar..but her eyes glew red man...

he voice deep like the anciets we made this the way we made it and it took a fucking decade...

the illusion i believed was a manipulation of myself...

but thus dead..too decades 

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