Here with you

I'm feeling lost and I don't know what to do

I can't believe they're doing this to you.

I don't know how I can possibly right the wrong

so I write this poem and sing this song.

I wish I could make it all go away

I wish more I knew what to say

But I don't and it weighs hard on my mind

because I'm a helpful person, it's my kind. 

But there's nothing I can do so it tears me apart

clouds my mind, rips out my heart.

So I sit here doing all I know how

feeling like it's not enough now.

But it's the best I can do, 

so here I sit.. just to be here with you.

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This is consoling and

This is consoling and comforting as well as encouraging in a silent and quiet kind of way. Hope all works out for your significant connection.

here is poetry that doesn't always conform

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