The day my heart stood still

It was like a dream,

my heart was in heaven and my lips we in paradise,

the taste of your lips like a fantasy come true

nothing I felt before could compare to that moment

the way I was spinning in side my soul

the power of your kiss I never thought to behold

every second in your grace,

was taking me to a great new place

the look in your eyes the smile on your face.

the smell of your hair

couldn't escape the air

as I laid next to you my heart stood still

and I felt ways that moment I never dreamed were possible

the look in those hazel eyes took me away and never let go

and as my heart stood still I was in heaven

places I  never dreamed Iā€™d go

and what id do to never let go

Casper McConkie

April 15th 2003

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seven_spider_legs's picture

This is a great piece of work. I love the description and the emotion you put into it. It's so real. Thank you for sharing this. Keep up your awesome talent!