Around 7 A.M.,
I was coming home,
from a hard night,
of days work.
My mother,
was going to work,
my brother & sister,
were going to school,
and as for me,
I stayed home alone.
I bid them farewell,
to return home safe,
then I turned on,
the TV around 8 A.M.,
not expecting,
terror appeared,
in our nation.
In letters,
which I could not,
believe to see,
"Attack On America",
which was on,
the TV screen,
where in NY,
a hijacked plane,
hit one WTC tower.
Panicked I ran,
to the phone,
calling those,
whom I knew,
in Manhattan,
where crash,
was sighted.
The phone rang,
and rang...,
went dead,
worried my heart,
to death,
watching the TV,
with careful eyes.
A second plane,
hit the other,
WTC tower,
then the Pentagon,
was hit by,
a third plane,
soon after Pittsburgh,
was a crash landing.
I couldn’t believe,
what I was hearing,
about our nation,
was being attacked,
in ways I thought,
were impossible,
to believe,
worst of all,
I could not believe,
what I saw on TV.