
Sept. 11

I wish this attack,

did not happen,

for we have lost,

our loved ones,

so we mourn,

for their deaths.

I wish the wounds,

made were healed,

so everyone,

may move on,

with his/her lives,

the pain inside,

would go away.

I wish there was,

something I could do,

go back into time,

to stop this,

from happening,

consuming all those,

innocents lives.

I wish my heart,

was not feeling,

this pain,

for I know,

it’s around the world,

everyone is feeling it too.

But my one wish,

is for everyone,

to have hope,

for one day,

the Lord will come,

to take us into,

the gates of heaven,

so we can one day,

be reunited with,

our loved ones.

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This poem goes to 'The Victims'.

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I too wish that this wouldn't of happened. I wish for everything you do and wish for what everyone is wishing for right now. You put into words what most can. So, thanks for the words.