Happy Birthday, Jim
I sent you email roses...
same ones you sent to me.
You left so many memories--
My only company.
The e-cards sure to make me smile,
The special meals prepared,
Advice I needed, oh, so wise,
The warmth that we two shared,

The way that you insisted,
That I spend not one dime,
To tell you, "Happy Birthday!"
As if it were a crime.
So I sent you a single rose,
And you, the big man, cried!
You told me, "Don't do that again!"
I watched your tears and sighed.
I knew that you must need my care
For it to mean so much.
So for our anniversary
I used a subtle touch.
I painted on a canvas
The rose in morning's mist
I told you that the dewdrops
Meant love was Heaven-kissed.

Today it is your birthday
I tried to keep my word.
I brought to you no flowers fair,
And not one birthday card.
I wanted one good visit,
One conversation sweet,
Your arms around my shoulders,
Form-fitted cheek to cheek.
I hope I didn't make a scene...
But who was there to see?
That lonely hawk that circled high?
Your tombstone?
Only me.....

Author's Notes/Comments:
Jim loved to hear "By the Time I Get to Phoenix". He would tease me about going to Phoenix all the time because he lived there long ago and had been happy there (and healthy). Some days are harder than others.
Hi Jess, that really made me sad. Hope things are looking up for you.
Think of you often.
Sweetie all I can do is once again tell you how sorry I am for your pain, and how very beautiful your words that touch my heart.
Very Nice Jess,
I've been checking quite often for something new.....I had
a feeling there'd be one today. Good job....I'm sure he
would have appreciated it too.
Well, I didn't realize before that this was unfinished, even undone it was good.
Now finished, even better. Such a nice rememberance.....good job Jess.