Rainbow Promises
My heart was heavy as I drove
across the countryside.
So many worries troubled me,
the frown I could not hide.
My son's poor health, my grandson's pain,
the thoughts ran to and fro.
And then the misty rain began.
I met it with a groan.
The world's a mess; my life is too;
my family needs prayer.
I need my job but it's a chore
and nerves are showing wear.
I topped a hill, and in the cloudy
darkness overhead,
I glimpsed God's pallette pouring out
across the darkness spread.
A rainbow! Pastel promises,
from God who knows my needs!
A rainbow! There reminder of
the One Who hears my pleas.
The tears then glistened in my eyes,
not sad, but thankful ones.
Saying, "...darkness would not linger
until HIS DAY was done."
As I began to thank Him
for His care, concern, and love,
A second rainbow then appeared
and glistened up above.
As though in answer to my heart
as questions it had raised,
"Is that for me?" said silently
as outwardly I'd praised.
A second rainbow in response
to a heart that grasped and groped.
A second rainbow for a child
whose hand reached out to hope...
In darkness for the Light of Man,
the One Who Loves Me True,
Dear God, I've never had a friend
as wonderful as You!
Author's Notes/Comments:
This really happened just last week. God is so good to me.
Isn't it great how out of the blue (no pun intended) God gives just that little thing we need
to make us realize all is not so hopeless? Good job and this one, I'm sure everyone can relate
to this example.