A Part Of Me
You lie so still and yet I know,
Anesthesia makes it so.
You're part of me.
To personnel who care for you,
You're just a patient, though that's true,
You're part of me.
What happened to the babe I held,
Still linked through time with golden weld,
A part of me?
This man who lies inert and still,
Whose outcome makes my heart grow chill,
Is part of me.
You are my own, my darling boy!
Your very being gives me joy,
A part of me!
I pray for you and hold your hand,
Know only God can comprehend
This part of me.
Your eyelids flutter, then they gape,
Relief is instant. You're awake!
The heart of me!

Author's Notes/Comments:
I sat in the waiting room for hours while doctors performed a heart catheriztion, angioplasty, and inserted a stint into my son's frontal artery. No matter how old he gets, he will still be my baby.
i love this poem
Your tears my Friend are our tears too
Our heartfelt prayers to go with you
as on the wings of a sacred birds
through him to whom all prays are heard.
we'll cry with you and share your joy
That he's grant your wish and spared your boy.
Keep stong and keep the faith -- jessica
you are among true friends.