Art: Jessica Cook Martin~Original Acrylic Painting~Paw Paw's Barn
Paw Paw's Barn
I had a great oasis when I was but a girl.
The hay loft in my Paw Paw's barn was my entire world.
I'd wait until unnoticed and then I'd slip away,
To read or daydream daily on quilts spread over hay.
I roamed the glens of Camelot, and cried with Meg and Jo.
I yearned for days in future, new places then to go.
I watched the daily movement from high above the rest.
All cuddled in the hayloft, a chick still in the nest.
I heard the rolling thunder, and rain upon the tin.
I listened then in wonder. I wish I could again.
No one could see me hiding. I'd sketch, or write, or read.
Each moment left unfettered, I'd race back at top speed.
I planned my life before me and dreamed a million dreams.
I sketched that barn and barnyard so many times it seems,
That it's embedded in me, so deeply now that I,
Can't close my eyes without it, that lovely childhood sight.
Today my own granddaughter is at computer camp.
My grandson is a lifeguard, as he's the swimming champ.
They each have their own venue, but still it gives me pain,
That they won't know the peace there, in Paw Paw's barn in rain.

To view some of my paintings, click on the paint pallette.

Music: Titanic
like all----dwawing and poem
but that music is to familiar,change one?
for example,that "yesterday once more"?
a small advice
thanks for sharing
Jess, what a lovely poem. Filled with wonderful memories. I have some very similar memories of my childhood, and a barn at my uncles house. Your painting was breathtaking. You are a gifted artist, as well as poet. Wonderfully done. Ken
Sis, looking at this and reading the poem put me back in a long ago time that I thought I had forgotten about. Mine had one similar to this one and I would play for hours in it. It would be my pirate ship, my airplane , my boat and a dozen other things in which I could pretend and all things came true. Thanks for using this to remind me that I didn't have it so bad after all...luv....Razor.