If You Could See Inside Me

If you could see inside me,
As if I were but glass,
And read there thoughts now hidden,
Revealed from first to last,
What would be your reaction?
I wonder what you'd do,
If you could see inside me,
And know that I love you.

If you could hear my heart's song,
So lyrical and glad,
Affected by your presence,
Would you then be so sad?
Would knowing that I love you,
Make e'n one difference?
Or have you chosen heartache,
To hold as no pretense?

I'll keep my secret safely,
Within cerebral walls.
I'll list' for answers daily.
For love that surely calls.
And when you see the truth, Dear,
Pray, it not be too late.
I'm dying slowly, watching,
For your love I must wait.

Music: Bless The Beast And The Children
it's really a very good and inspiring poem with good logics and idea,,,I read through your few poems...you seem a good poetess.. hope you go throughmy poems too to know your comments... well done
I truly liked this poem.
A picture of us, know the world will know just how I feel and what you mean to me.