Contiguous Love

Contiguous Love

Jasmine scented air slipped through the screening wire and wrapped around my legs.

Rolling lawn, smooth after the mowing, lay in the dappled light of early morning.

Flower beds of my own labor surrounded the patio dazzling my eyes with a myriad of color.

The hummers, already scrapping for squatter’s rights to the four feeders, whizzed and zipped.

Shadowed yard and porch sparkled with each filtered ray of sunshine that turned dewy blades to diamonds.

“Ahhhh, God!” I whispered just to Him.  “Thank you for being so good to me.”

Stretching, I sat gingerly in the swing as I balanced my first cup of coffee on my bare knee.

A cacophony of birdsong, melodious and sweet, filled the air with trilling music, lifting my soul on its wing.

A doe, poised at the edge of the pines, looked straight at me, then eased into the clearing to approach the salt-lick.

Critters always seemed to know that I wouldn’t hurt them. "One with scars is not likely to inflict wounds."

A pair of squirrels scrambled up the trash-art sculpture of a windmill, chattering angrily.

I had no complaints that lovely June morning.  My troubles were usual for me, but my blessings seemed excessive in contrast.

A chipmunk scampered across the red-brick patio to disappear into the line of hollyhocks.

The weather man said that the temperature later in the day would rival hell, but what did I care?

I heard Jim close the fridge and head my way.  Ahh, yes!  I got it all...

Heaven in progress.

Music: Someone To Watch Over Me

Author's Notes/Comments: 

This was a gimme 10 challenge from Kim, but the view comes straight from our back porch and the sentiment is real.  THE WORDS:  CONTIGUOUS, SCENTED, SMOOTH, EXCESSIVE, MELODIOUS, EARLY, TRASH, TEMPERATURE, CRITTERS, PROGRESS

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kat's picture

Hey Jessica!

Good job! I didn't even recognize the words until the end, when you mentioned it.
As I started reading, I thought, Wonderful! Jessica is taking a breather to kick back and enjoy all her labours in the yard. Sounds so pretty! Really nice visuals, girl.
