The painting of the fawn is by Leah Murphy of Bremerton, Washington.

I love the walk from house to woods.
And oh! Those shaded paths!
Still, often I am stricken mute
By beauty unsurpassed.
The whispers from the leafy boughs,
The trill and call of birds,
The groaning of the ancient oaks,
By some remain unheard.
A panorama greets my eye
Of living wondrous things.
How can I help but be impressed
With creatures hooved and winged?
This morning with a watchful gaze
I stepped forth silently.
I heard the snort and blow of deer,
Knew I had company.
The snapping twigs and rustling brush
Forewarned of rushed retreat.
I smiled e'en though my favorite doe
I knew I would not meet.
Three golden bodies leaped away
And bounded through the trees.
I still don't know what made me turn,
But I was more than pleased.
He stood on wobbly legs and looked
With eyes so big and dark,
A fawn with coat of burgundy,
All spotted with white marks.
I've had a check for thousands
Be placed upon my palm.
I've lived with joy and peace and love,
Known days of lovely calm,
But the feeling flooding through me
When I saw her hidden babe,
Has made me glad this livelong day,
O'er the trick his mother played.
For heaven's sake! You've put my name on your poem page as artist. I told you you could use it and I really never expected this. Thank you so much for letting me see it.